A homely practice of carrot rolls

Ingredients Main ingredients: flour 300g, carrot juice 150g, yeast powder 2g, oil 20g, salt 2g, pepper powder 1g

1. Carrot cut.

3. Open the mouth of the juice and catch the carrot juice in a bowl or cup.

When the carrot juice is finished, you can continue to make flower rolls.

5. Add yeast powder to the carrot juice, stir until dissolved, add the flour, stir into floc-shaped, kneaded into a ball, and leave to ferment to twice the size of warm.

6. Ferment to double the size of the dough, look at the volume significantly increased, soft, peeling open the surface, which has dense holes.

9. Mix the brush evenly and stir well.

10. Brush the stirred oil evenly over the surface of the cake.

13. Adjust one end of the tip to the top, press it with chopsticks, and press out the flower type.

14. Complete it all in turn.

1, juice with a beautiful juicer.
2, carrot juice mixed with yeast powder, and then added flour can be, without heating.
3, dough fermentation must be kneaded, drain the bubbles, made out of the pasta surface is smooth.
4, cake as far as possible to grow square, so that the roll out of the flower roll thick and thin consistent, good-looking.
5, the upper end is narrow, the lower end is wide, the top remembers to leave a gap, too narrow and so on when the underpressure pattern is easy to disperse.
6, steamer cloth soaked in oil and water mix in advance, soaked, so not sticky. This amount of flower rolls, can be steamed two pots, steamed separately or another pot can be.
7, this process steaming time is 20 minutes, and steaming roll time is consistent, do not have to look after the fire, to the time automatically stop.
8, if not to eat for a long time, you can use fresh bags, put frozen, when eating heating, and the new pot is no different.
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