The homely practice of dry-fried bells

Main ingredients: oil skin 200g, pork filling 350g
Accessories: onions, wine, salt, rapeseed oil, soy sauce, ginger powder, pepper powder, large powder, etc. are appropriate
Duration: 10-30 minutes
The practice step of dry frying a bell:
1. Prepare all ingredients
2. Pork stuffing into the wine, soy sauce, ginger powder, pepper powder, large powder, salt, onions and so on.

3. Mix well
4. Spread out the oil and put the mixed pork filling on the side of the oil.

5. Roll up the filling with oil
6. Roll into such a roll

7. Cut into even pieces
8.Code plate (free)

9. Frying pan poured into rapeseed oil, slightly smoke, when the oil is cooked to 50% heat into the rolled oil roll, with chopsticks flipped, medium-fire fried to golden, boiling oil out of the pot control oil.
10.OK, can be eaten with sweet pasta sauce or pepper salt, ketchup, etc

Tip: I use wet oil skin, if you use dry oil skin need to soak its warm water soft Oh.
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